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March 17, 2009


Wells Mason

This is very, very, very generous. Thanks for spreading the love - and the good word.


I think I will buy this book for my daughter, a aspiring photographer, studying at the University of North Texas. I have already told she will need to make a lot of coffee and eat off air for the first few years of her career, if she wants to be serious about it.

When I went to Art College in the 70's we received no advice whatsoever. We were basically told to create and the art world will come to. Well, it didn't but by the time I figured that one out, I really didn't care as I had 3 kids in tow. Fortunately, UNT seems to care about the future of their students, so hopefully she will achieve her dreams.

Paige West

Jacqui - That is an excellent thing to do for your daughter. This book is so valuable - good for any artist at any stage of their career. I haven't had any takers, but I was seriously offering to purchase it for any artist who asked. The good news is that it is priced well and most don't have to ask, I guess. Enjoy!


This books is exactly what I need- yesterday I was pondering studio visits... Seeing as I am an unemployed single mom living in NY, money for such extravagances is hard to come by, but I think I might try to budget for this great book. What a generous offer on your part! This week has confirmed that there are a few kind souls left out there. I've written about it a bit:


Paige West

Meliferra, I am serious! I would like to send you this book. Please email me your address. I would not have offered if I wasn't serious!

David Gibson

My name is David Gibson, an independent curator, I actually contributed to the book but right now I have only $100 left in my bank account and that is earmarked for food. I'd love to get a copy if you'd send me one. My address is 205 East 78th Street Apt #19L, New York, NY 10075. Thanks, if you can!

Paige West

David, Consider it done! And thanks for contributing to the book!

David Gibson

Will you also consider listing my new artblog with your links? I am co-writing it with Jill Conner. The URL is http://artquips.blogspot.com

Thanks, David

josh sperling

COuld you send me this book? My name is Josh Sperling and I am a painter. I do not currently have a website but would love to send you a couple pics of my work if you are interested. My address is 406 hillview place, Ithaca NY, 14850

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