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June 17, 2008



In some ways, I find the project most interesting in that the artist is committed to recreating a grammatical mistake 1,000,000 times. (I'm assuming his originally intention was to communicate "It is ok" not "the ok belongs to it").

I imagine he's aware of the typo by now (or perhaps it's an intentional choice)... I wonder what his thoughts are regarding it.

party like an art star

thank you for sharing this project! i had to post something on my site about it, because i'm from eugene, oregon and i knew that the sentiment of the piece as well as the fact that a tree is planted for every piece sold was perfect for the tastes of my eco-friendly community. i admire sighn's dedication and patience to undertake such a project!

on a personal note, thanks to paige for keeping up such a great sight. i read your blog often for inspiration and i think you've got a great eye.



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