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May 04, 2004




we were just looking at your blog from south africa. great stuff. keep it up.



i have two paintings that are beyond my own abilities to clean, and i'm curious to know if you are familiar with any places who clean/restore artwork in the city (and deal with smaller, not particularly valuable works--no inpainting or anything like that needed). many thanks for your thoughts (and i very much enjoy your blog!)


Liz, I have never personally used a restorer (yet!) but this one was recomended by a friend: Pratzon Art Restoration, 122 West 26th St., 212-807-7066. Like I said, I haven't used them, so I can't personally recommend them. I have contacted a number of people (collectors, gallerists, etc.) to try to get more answers for you. I'll let you know what I hear.

PS - Thanks for the nice comments!

Sunny Conley

Wonderful suggestions and tips. Great site! Thank you!


I stumbled across your blog while I was doing some online research. Thank you for this concise and very useful set of directions for those of us who enjoy art but don't necessarily know how to properly care for it!


i work for a museum and it is my job to care for art. i saw that compressed air and cloths were recommended. i would discourage both- compressed air tends to release moisture which can damage work and i would recommend using a soft natural brush to clean paintings not a cloth. cloths can cause abrasions and damage the piece. always inspect the work to make sure there is no existing damage before cleaning.

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