A friend sent me this quote (Thanks, Ben!) from an old Simpsons episode where Homer was discovered as an "outsider" artist by a New York art dealer. It made me giggle. I had to share:
MR. BURNS: Smithers, I think I'm in love with this sculpture!SMITHERS: Sir, that's by Homer Simpson; I don't think you want to buy it.
MR. BURNS: Smithers, years ago I blew the chance to buy Picasso's "Guernica" for a song. Luckily, that song was "White Christmas," and by hanging onto it I made billions. Anyway, I love this hideous thing. I'll take it!
ART DEALER: Congratulations, Homer. You're now a professional artist.
HOMER: Whoo hoo! Look, Marge, my first sale! In your face, Jasper Johns!
As an aside... Do you think Thomas Kincade whoo hoo'ed and told Jasper Johns where to put it upon learning of his first museum show? Ee gads! When anyone asks me to define bad art I always use Mr. Kincade's "Paintings of Light" as example. It's just my opinion. For other opinions (and a better explanation of all of this April foolery) check out art.blogging.la's and zeke's gallery's March 30 posts.
Ha! I remember that episode. Doesn't Jasper Johns ride by on motor-boat when the town floods? So good!
Posted by: Caryn Coleman | April 01, 2004 at 04:31 PM
I went to Taos/Santa Fe NM over spring break 2008. I went in to several art galleries. The thing I noticed was, there were no terms available signs posted for new people to art buying. I think this is just plain dumb. The gallery loses money and the artist loses money also. Some gallerists say they tell people about time payment plans, I say you can 't tell a whole bunch of people if they are in the gallery at one time. The information needs to be posted. I was in a gallery in Las Vegas, they had term signs all over the place. I will end this post by saying, only the smart art people survive.
Posted by: Bob Ragland | April 03, 2008 at 04:30 PM