I recently spoke at Moore College of Art in Philadelphia on the topic of collecting emerging art and the question that came up again and again from the audience was, "How do I start collecting art?" I was amazed at the sheer panic people feel facing their first or second purchase of art. My response, over and over again, is to stop THINKING about purchasing art and just do it! Jump in feet first and plop down some cash for an original work of art - ANY ART. What is so damn scary about buying art? Forget about trying to "perfect" your collection right out of the gate - start small and buy something - anything - original. It is supposed to be fun. No root canal pain here. If you like it, buy it - especially in the beginning. You have years to develop your tastes and opinions but you have to start somewhere by making that first purchase leap. Don't think, just buy. Once you have made that first purchase of original art, the second, third, fourth time will feel easier and easier and soon enough you'll feel like a pro. So, what are you waiting for?